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Medicinal product Active substance Strength Product number
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Medicinpriser.dk provides you with updated information on prices of medicinal products as well as reimbursements for the individual medicinal products. The prices are updated every fortnight and reimbursements are updated daily.
On Medicinpriser.dk you can search and find information on:
• The current prices of the medicinal products
• Price development since 1998
• Medicinal products registered on Medicinpriser.dk
• Calculation of your payment (suggested).

For citizens and business users
Medicinpriser.dk is developed by the Danish Medicines Agency with the purpose of giving consumers information on prices develop of medicinal products as well as giving the consumer an opportunity to calculate his/her payment and reimbursement. Further information on the calculation of payment and the use of the list of medicinal products.
For business users an extended search has been developed to improve the search for specific medicinal products.

Make your search
You can search for the requested medicinal product(s) by using two search functions:
Search – this part enables you to search for a medicinal product, an active substance and/or a product number. To narrow down the search you can also add the product for strength.
Extended search - this part offers the opportunity to add additional entries. Here you may search for ATC codes, package sizes, company, dispensing groups, dose dispensed medicinal products as well as veterinary medicinal products.
Further information on the Search function in Medicinpriser.dk.

You can also find the information by clicking on the following sections:
Medicinal product
Cannabis product
Active substance
ATC code

List of Medicinal Products
Further information on how to use your list of medicinal products.Go to calculation of your payment.To calculate your own share of payment and reimbursement for the purchase of medicinal products, please add the medicinal product to the list of medicinal products.
Price period: 20.01.2025 - 02.02.2025. Note, reimbursement price can change from one day to another. Last update 23.01.2025.